Are you experiencing Wireless connectivity issues with your Apple Silicon Mac?

Disclaimer: yawn yawn. OK so, don't do it, think before you click, read and understand and do not copy me. This is a blog giving fun and useful tips to the good people on the interwebs. On a serious note make sure that you fully understand the implications of what you are doing. Remember what you are doing so you can reverse steps that have not fixed your issue. iLogix Computer Solutions can not be held accountable for anything that you break...... but... we can help you if you call us. Our number is 01252 962898.
iLogix Computer Solutions have seen some issues with WiFi Network Connectivity on M1 and M2 based Macs. M1 and M2 Macs are Macs with Apple Silicon processors as opposed to Intel based Macs which of course use Intel processors.
The symptoms we have seen are slow internet connections, unable to Access WiFi networks and dropping Zoom or Teams calls.
Apple Wireless Direct Link (AWDL) is the technology on your Mac that is enables AirDrop and AirPlay to work. AirDrop for example allows you to send peer to peer files to macOS, iOS and iPadOS device in your vicinity without needing to be on the same Wireless Network.
We think that there may be a bug in a recent macOS update that has effected AWDL in macOS Ventura and Monteray. You can test this by running the following command in Terminal. Terminal is the command shell in macOS and can be located in /Applications/Utilities , Terminal allows us to interact with the macOS Unix core.
A quick route to Terminal is through Spotlight, command+space and start to type te

Spotlight is so fast it returns the result before you have finished typing it.
Then run this command:
sudo ifconfig awdl0 down
You need to enter an administrator users password.
The way to reverse this is obviously:
sudo ifconfig awdl0 up
If after running sudo ifconfig awdl0 down your issue is fixed then you found your culprit.
The caveat is that AirDrop will not work.
Keep your Mac up to date, there will be a fix soon and by the time you hit this blog it will be a moot post.
macOS keeps itself up to date through Software Updates, available in System Preferences or System Settings if you are running macOS 13 Ventura.
The following is from my own Mac (Intel based).

Keeping a computer up to date is important. Not just in macOS but also in Windows. Updates address bugs, security flaws and can introduce enhancements. When iLogix computer solutions investigate a Windows, macOS, iOS or iPadOS issue one of the first things we do is look for outstanding updates.
If you have a computer issue you are never alone. Please call iLogix Computer Solutions and let us help you.
Our number is 01252 962898