When a user connects to a Microsoft Remote Desktop Server (RDS) or an RDS Farm the local resources on their computer need to be enabled for them to be available on the remote desktop connection. By definition of a local resource we mean printers, drives and indeed webcams.
This article explains how to enable a remote webcam in Microsoft Windows 11 and Microsoft Windows 10.

Users sometimes contact iLogix Computer Solutions for support and tell us that when they have tried to use Zoom or Teams, for instance, on a remote desktop their local Webcam is not available.
This is by design. The following steps detail how you should resolve this.
Right click on the Remote desktop shortcut and select:
Windows 10 - Edit

Windows 11 - Show more options and then edit.

Click on the Local Resources tab.

At the bottom of the Local Resources tab notice that you can simply click Printers and Clipboard (remote copy and paste), however if you click More you can connect more local devices to your Remote Desktop, in this case go ahead and click More.
Expand Video capture devices and place a check next to your Webcam, in this case we have an HP laptop.

Re connect to your remote desktop and launch Teams or Zoom to test.