Our website talks volumes about us. It can give our customers a great insite into our capabilities and personality.

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In this blog we talk about some of the images on our website. We explain where we are coming from by using them. The idea is that we share our ethos and culture and hopefully bring the world one step closer to happiness. These images are not ours to give away. We use them because they have a special meaning to us.
The internet is sadly a thing of woe, it is the devils highway. At iLogix Computer Solutions we have technical people who have spent years in network environments that are architected around building a secure zero trust perimeter. Every process and packet has to be tightly controlled and deeply inspected because with every key and mouse click there is a risk.
On the reverse side of the coin there are some wonderful and imaginative people around and my wish is that there were more.
At iLogix when we demonstrate ourselves we bring in some of our character. This is normal and each of us do this.
As an example in 1977, when I was five years old, I went to the old Staines (Upon Thames) Cinema and watched Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope. From that point on I was captured.
I love the Imperial probe droid from Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back. When the Rebel Alliance operations room on the planet Hoth were listening to it trying to work out what it was and why this of all things would be in an ice world it was a droid that stepped up and told the room that they was listening to Imperial code being transmitted into space. That saved lives because something was at the other end collecting and analysing the data.
On our page About iLogix we see the bar tender from the Mos Eisley Cantina responding to an alert at the door telling him that droids had entered his establishment.
We don’t serve their kind here. Why? has a bounty hunter unit started a gun fight in the cantina and caused damage or does the Landlord not want precious seats used up by something that will not order food and drink at the bar for it's own consumption. Who knows?
Again on the same page we see Stormtroopers hunting droid. Look sir, droids.
People react very strangely to droids. Han Solo seems to hate them, but why. I would have loads. In Star Wars Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back, we clearly see on multiple occasions a droid helping Han fix the Millennium Falcon yet he has no respect for such an amazing invention. That makes no sense. The droid's knowledge is a result of programming. The schematics and technical diagrams of the Millenium Falcon are no doubt instantly available to such a device as one that repairs ships. It does not need to think, it is not capable of making a misjudgement or a mistake and it is not prone to being forgetful. It would not make an engineering mistake that could be costly for the crew as humans, and some other aliens, are. Finally I guarantee that the droid will not send Han a massive garage bill, make unreasonable demands, rip him off or tell him he used parts that were never used. Han is in the wrong. Droids are there to make our lives easy.

I love droids. It's what I do.
Do you recycle? please contact iLogix Computer Solutions and we will help you recycle old devices safely, securely and environmentally friendly.
Star Wars is a creation of George Lucas and now owned by Disney. The images I have used demonstrate how much I have related to this amazing creation throughout my life.
By putting them on the iLogix Website I showcase Star Wars to the world and I am positive that I am preaching to the converted.
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On our page TV Repairs we have an image from Matt Groening's The Simpsons. I love the Simpsons. It's innocent, it's not vulgar, it is tasteful and hilarious. Cartoons since the Simpsons are truly vile and my heart goes out to the young of today. Matt and his team are talented in so many ways. The voice of Lisa Simpson is one of the characters in the Steven King based movie Maximum Overdrive. Great movie. Yeardley Smith is a very talented and gifted person.
On the same page, TV Repairs, there is an image from the 1979 Ridley Scott movie Alien. Alien is based on a story by Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shushett.
To me Alien is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It is set onboard the Nostromo, a commercial towing vehicle in deep space. When I say deep space I mean deep space. When the crew encounter a hostile life form that they inadvertently bring back on board the Nostromo from LV426 following a mission they had to work out where they were and how long it would take them to get back to Earth. In stella cartography, like the mariners on earths oceans of long ago, the stars and the constellations, their angle and positions tell us where we are. The navigator, Lambert, runs an analysys of the surrounding visible constellations and nebulas and calculates that it will take the Nostomo another 10 months to reach Earth.

I love the isolation of this statement, minus the Xenomorph of course. Vessels like the Nostromo have a small crew count and the ship is huge.
I just imagine being a flight engineer on a ship like this. In deep space and all I can hear is the gentle hum of the engines. I have Aspergers syndrome and like many guys on the spectrum this kind of isolation has a very deep appeal that most humans will not understand.
The same appeal of isolation is eluded to in our blog article "Panasonic TX-L37U10B TV Repair". We show an image from the opening scene of the TV show from the 1990s "Northern Exposure". Northern Exposure was set in the town of Cicely Alaska. The show originally focused on a GP named Dr Joel Fleischman. A recently qualified Dr who had his education funded by the US State of Alaska and when it was time to pay the fiddler, with service back to the state, Joel just hated the fact that he was in a small town, Cicely, rather than an Alaskan city like Anchorage or Juneau in a big Hospital with the latest technology and interesting medical cases. Yep, you get nerds in every field. As the series matured it started to show just how quirky the folk of Cicely actually were. I remember just how much I wanted to live in Cicely. I loved "Chris in the morning". The cold climate, the isolation, the native Alaskans. I would have learned to speak Tlingit for sure.
I have a thing where I love to learn languages, it keeps my mind sharp however the languages I have learned are not languages that are widely used. For example I have moderate knowledge of Latin and Yiddish and I would love to be able to speak Tlingit.
The isolation of Cicely Alaska to me is a dream.

There may be other images on the iLogix Website that we have used and we accept that it is the fruit of someone else's labour. We used this because it reflected our mission statement, what we do and how we work. We love to recycle, re use that which is perfect anyway. Something that does not need to be changed. If anyone sees an image that is their intellectual property and you do not want us to use it please reach out to us, we will create a backlink back to your site and give you credit or of course just take the image down.
I hope this has been a fun blog for you. There is so much depth in everything, a pattern to everything, a subconscious and invisible link that binds much of daily life together. Remember as well, if you need help with your device and you can find them, maybe you can hire the iLogix Team.... but you don’t t have to look that hard. Just call us on 01252 962898.